Back in early-May, when Samsung announced the Galaxy S III, the company also announced that the handset will come exclusively pre-loaded with Flipboard with Android. Sadly, even before the handset hit the retail stores, the Flipboard APK was pulled and posted online for all other fellow Android users to enjoy.
Now, just a day after the Galaxy S III hit the retail stores in certain regions of the world, the Flipboard team has released a public beta of the app for testing. The new “official” beta is a newer build than the one which leaked a few weeks ago. While not much has changed in the official beta, it definitely feels much faster and smoother than the previous leaked build. There are also some bug fixes for the random FCing issue that some users faced.
If you already have the leaked Flipboard APK installed, the app will automatically notify you to install the new “official” beta. If not, download the official beta APK from here. Also, don’t forget to send in your feedback to the Flipboard for Android team if you face any issues or encounter any bug.
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