Last week when Samsung finally unveiled the almighty Galaxy S III, it also announced that the handset will come exclusively loaded with Flipboard for Android. Yes! Flipboard for Android was finally coming even though it was initially going to be only available for the Galaxy S3 owners.
Well, even before future owners of Galaxy S III could enjoy this exclusive app on their handset, one XDA member has managed to pull the Flipboard.apk from his Galaxy S III and uploaded it for fellow Android handset owners to enjoy. I tried the app on my Galaxy Nexus, and it worked buttery smooth without any crashes or lag. Users over at XDA are also reporting that the app works smoothly on older generation single core Android handsets without any issues.
The app does lack any sort of widget, indicating that this might be an early build of the app. However, once the retail units of the Galaxy S III units hit the consumers, it will be just a matter of few hours before someone pulls the APK and uploads it on the Internet. Head over to this thread on XDA forums to download the Flipboard APK file and manually install it on your handset.
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